Between the Pipes

A foray in goaltending, athletics and development

Back to Basics: Drill #3b Quick Shift Drill

Coaches and teams can get Upper Echelon's team goalie coaching package information under the PROGRAMS tab of the website!!

The second drill for the third master menu plan is an old standby for Upper Echelon as a warm-up drill, footwork drill and even as an evaluation drill.  Many goalie coaches have said the execution of this drill by a goalie is one of the best for evaluating the relative level of a goalie's ability.  It is extremely simple, but a lot of technical skills come to the front very quickly.  A conditioning element can be added to this drill, as UE always likes to add, by keeping the goalie in a ready position and recovering in the save-ready position throughout the set.  Goalie-form will quickly go out the window once a goalie gets tired and poor hand and stick discipline with be apparent near the end of a long set.  Enjoy!

The printable pdf for this drill can be found in the Back to the Basics folder under the download media tab.