Back to Basics: Drill #2c Called Pattern with Shot
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The final drill for the second master menu installment of drills for the "Back to Basics" plan is basis for a massive amount of progressions and variations. Depending on the tempo, the drill can be used to correct poor movement habits, save selections, visual leading, positioning, and tactical errors. Also, depending on the coach, conditioning can also be a component of this drill.
The drill utilizes the Intro to the Crease Arc angle/positioning number system which is in the Back to the Basics folder under that name. As many drills will reference this positioning system, this Called Pattern with Shot drill is a great way to reinforce the concepts while allowing the goalie to receive a shot at or near the end of the movement pattern. At the more advanced level, tactical discussions or themes can be presented to give the drill a deeper purpose for all involved.
The printable pdf for this drill can be found in the Back to the Basics folder under the download media tab.